Lola came to us on November 16, 2009. She was elderly and deaf, and had been abandoned overnight on the doorstep of a cat shelter. We read of her plight in our local newspaper and made arrangements to adopt her.
Lola was considered a “hospice case” by the shelter, and not expected to live more than six months. After we brought her home, she soon settled in, and it became apparent that she had more time left than we were told.
Lola loved cuddles and kisses and lying in warm places (including laps). And catnip! She also had a very loud meow. She wiggled her way firmly into our hearts, such a sweet little girl.
Finally, though, Lola’s batteries began to run down. She developed a growth under her tongue and it became increasingly difficult for her to eat and drink. In the final couple of days, she lost interest in catnip and butter treats. She still loved cuddles and kisses, right to the end. The vet helped her pass, April 10, 2012, on her blanket at home with her hot water bottle.
You are in my heart forever, my sweet angel Lola.